
Exciting News!

Recording sometime between the end of this month and July. I want to record a lot more this summer, get a lot of songs done. ("I want" being the keyword)

Don't know the title to one, but the other's called Well We Went, a very nice, chill piece. Seeing as how the base chord's F sharp, maybe I could find some type of segue into Pyramid Song. That would be cool.

The other one's pretty intense, almost Well We Went's evil twin brother, since I wrote them within a day of each other.

Paris Hilton's out of jail. I could usually care less about news, especially entertainment news, but this caught my eye.

They say she got out because of a medical condition, but what about all the other inmates at the jail?
Some people die in jail.
But do people recognize them?
What makes her so special?

A slap on the wrist.

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