

It verges on 1 AM. These last 24 hours, as all other 24 hours before it, have passed by in a retrospective instant. I can choose whether to reflect on that instant or leave it be for as long as the sand castle decides to collapse and rebuild.

And so I write.

This flicker was considerably different from the others, in a positive way. Oblong Tagalong, the band I'm in, released its first track. We're all very ecstatic over how well people have been responding to it. Stream/free download below:

After we got all excited, we had an impromptu practice to pen some more tracks, but to no avail. The energy was there, and the inspiration was there, and we couldn't even begin to organize all our ideas. In any case, I came up with a thought afterwards. This is that thought (as I suddenly feel a ringing in my ear):

The ringing's gone.

I'm going to film one or maybe two videos tomorrow; school cancellation is imminent; it's snowing considerably right now; it's April.

And Anomie Family Brain on the 11th.

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