
Bad event after bad event after bad event

The first bad event:
the track meet I had yesterday. I was in the 4x100 relay, an event I had never previously done before. I had to do the event because I wanted to run but I didn't qualify for my event.

I was not ready for my handoff. I started jogging when I should have started running. When the handoff was complete, I took one or two steps out of my lane, usually a disqualification. Luckily, no one saw this. So then I ran the event, passed it off, and I was done. Possibly the worst I've run all season: yes. Because I had no idea what to do for the event.

The second bad event:
On the same day, I had a talent show. I and the other two Snoozers, hats and all, took to the stage of talent night '08 at our junior/ senior high school. We landed third place, which isn't bad. What's bad is that we were beaten out by a fashion show and a dancer that's won like 348,000 times already. Maybe it's my ego talking, but I think we should have at least gotten second place. Sure, we all had small mistakes, but no one in the audience seemed to notice. They were mistakes that only we could have picked up because we've played the song so much. Afterwards, I was in a bad mood and didn't really want to talk to anyone because I felt like we got punched in the face by the judges. One of my best friends ran up to me and gave me a hug but I just sort of shrugged it off. (friend = girl, just setting that straight) However, I willingly gave her a sister a hug. Friend was not very happy about this.

The third bad event:
Previously mentioned friend and other friend went to see the new Chronicles of Narnia without me. We had already planned it that we were going today. When I logged onto AIM this afternoon, I read 'other friend's' away message that read: JAY IF YOU'RE GOING TO THE MOVIES YOU BETTER CALL NOW followed by her cell number. I quickly realized that her cell phone number was the same one that called my phone. I didn't recognize the number so I just let it ring. Stupid mistake. Next to the away I saw that she was idle, meaning she was probably already at the movies with 'previously mentioned friend.' I read previously mentioned friend's away message which read something like: Going to movie with (other friend) and over hers after. Apparently Jay's not coming because he went AWOL on us.

Apparently they weren't trying very hard to contact me. All I got was one call.





Dave said...

1. I ran relay, everyone sucked at passing the baton - it's something you just have to practise.
2. I once didn't even qualify for a school talent show, me and a friend being musical were beaten by 4 girls dancing to some shit. You are too good for talent shows.
2.5. Friend = girl will get over it, they always do.
3. Once friend is over it, tell both friends you are sorry you missed going to see film (which was probably crap anyway, some decent effects but those kids from the first one couldn't act for shit) and ask them to go have a day of awesome soon. A day of awesome btw, is a day in which you aren't allowed to worry about stuff and you do everything and anything that you want.

problems pwnd.

Anonymous said...

Firstly, you don't know me. Secondly, I'm sorry you had so many bad events. But I'm sure there are bright sides..? :3 Umm... It was great that no one noticed your slip up during your relay, going a bit out of your lane. And. Third place isn't that horrible.. And in contrast to fashion shows and dancers, you guys were probably better. Just think that you guys were first in actual substance-y talent, and they were first and second in 21st century entertainment-y talent.
& there's really no bright side to the third. You really should just set your friends straight.
Nice to meet you, I'm Charlie.