
update on the album that's not called exo pamela

Hey Zane, I would love to do another show with you sometime soon! and I completely forgot about that song! and i'm giving you credit for the songs you produced on the album as i remember you asked for that sometime ago. good to hear from you again.

anyways, the album:
turns out that bandcamp only takes ridiculously large files, so the uploading process is taking a lot longer than imagined. i have 11/16 songs up, and I'm working on getting the 5 others up right now.

brb phone... k back.

anywho, that's where i'm at right now. i also decked out the site with various colors and a banner so it's not just all white and bleh. i'm excited to make it open to the public, should be a party and a half.

that's all i have time to say, i'm in the midst of typing up an unnecessarily long lab report and i don't have much time to waste. not that this is wasting time really K I GOTTA GO EXPECT videosforpictures.bandcamp.com TO BE UP FOR YOUR VIEWING BY THE END OF THE WEEK BAI


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