
Well I burnt my brain to figure out what was wrong, and truth be told it was me all along.

Someone shoot me in the face please.

It sucks when you spend 15 extra minutes on a quiz and still know that you failed it as soon as you pass it in. Especially if it's an open notes quiz.

The quiz was on optics. Physical science is usually an easy class. But curveballs get thrown. And sometimes they curve too much. It turns out that the lower a material's index of refraction, the less light bends when passing through it. There were about 8 questions on that. I thought it was the other way around. It turns out that real images can be projected on a screen, not virtual images.

On top of getting all of that wrong, I only did one part of most of the two part questions and I guessed on about half of all the other ones.

You're thinking "You overreact too much". Well I do. But this might result in the end of my ten year all A's streak.

Why? Because I was assuming that it would be based more on the worksheets we were given which were the ONLY things we had done with optics. Instead there were things pulled from the book that I had never even heard of (optical density?).
This is supposed to be about 30% of our final grade, because our teacher was replaced by another one and they lost all of the work that we had previously done.

The good news is that it will be scaled (at least, I hope. some of the other kids were looking pretty confident... somehow) and we can make corrections which can improve our grade by half of what it originally is. So if we get a 50 (and there's a possibility that i DID) then you can up it to 75 by making necessary corrections. So maybe it's not the end of the world. But there's a possibility that it could be.


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