
Now Playing:

Kissing the Beehive - Wolf Parade
Cats on Fire - Mimas
San Tropez - Pink Floyd
Whenever You Breathe Out, I Breathe In (Positive Negative) - Modest Mouse
F Stop Blues - Jack Johnson
Twenty Cell Revolt - Menomena
Two-Headed Boy - Neutral Milk Hotel
Who's Gonna Save My Soul Now? - Gnarls Barkley
Yes/Chinese Sleep Chant - Coldplay



Anonymous said...

Did you ever finish YOUR album you were talking about? Too bad you don't actually blog anything anymore. I enjoyed reading something other than music titles.

Jay said...

Easy there, tiger. I blogged last week giving a couple reasons for why the album was never finished. See: Quelques Choses.

I also didn't post this without reason, y'know. The tones of these songs reflect the mood I'm in (not a very good one, for the most part)

I'm gonna start fresh once I get my piano tuned and have something out ASAP. I have the resources, I just need to get a paypal account and to get copyright business taken care of.