
Quelques Choses

Ahh... how i missed writing here.

There's something so gripping about writing in this little, white box. It's that little gripping-grippy-grip thing that keeps bringing me back here, writing to you in short chunks about my life... whoever you may be.

Production of the album has stopped, for two reasons:
1) Ben's been working at a summer camp all summer and communication has halted.
2) My piano's pathetically out of tune, and I refuse to record on it until it gets tuned at the beginning of next month. Then when it's fixed, I'll start recording again when I have the time. (Which might not be much time, seeing as how I'm taking on three of the most advanced classes my school has to offer this year)

So Dryas is dead. for now.
As is my relationship. I'm single again. (Mutual agreement, we came to the conclusion that long-distance relationships suck and that it'd be easier to just be friends)
So since I haven't been doing much recording or writing, I've been doing a lot of listening. In particular, to a band by the name of Mimas.

Eliot is responsible for introducing me to this band. They're from Denmark, and they call their breed of music "death-indie". I'd classify it more as post-rock, but death-indie sounds infinitely cooler. I recommend listening to Cats on Fire and Dads on the myspace I just linked ya to. Simply put, more people should know about this band. Listen and you'll probably agree.
I also managed to make an hour-long continuous mix of songs that is available here for 24 hours (12 PM EDT, August 7) before it disappears into the desolate oblivion of the Internet.
I feel like I've overstayed my welcome.
As you were.


Anonymous said...

Two of my least favorite things: Death and Indian Music.

That's what Indie means, right? Not right? Am I at least close?

And MySpace fails for me for some reason. I'm guessing it has to do with all of the bugs that have infested my computer and caused my computer to crash at random incriments. But I'll have a look on YouTube which THANK GOOGLE still works perfectly.

Jay said...

Thank Google inDEED.

indie = independent.