
Zen And The Art Of Facebook Page Maintenance.

i hath started up a fan page for videosforpictures on facebook. here's a link:


there you can become a fan, get updates on whatever i happen to be doing music-wise, listen to three unreleased sawngs (Family, Adding To An Echo Chamber, Mystery Jesus And The Wonder Wheel), say something, whatever. it's pretty similar to myspace, but i'm on facebook far more than myspace, so i think i'll get more use out of it.

In speaking of facebook, yesterday i joined a new facebook group, which i guess started in my town called "Fight for Peace". And it made me remember this sort of dialogue I had with my friend over the phone a couple months back in which I argued that world peace would make the world a better place, and he argued that it wouldn't. Our conclusion was that, in the miniscule, almost nonexistent chance that world peace would be achieved, a complete and perfect globalization would occur. this would result in everyone conforming to the same religion, the same government, the same language, the same clothing, the same EVERYTHING. the world would lose its culture. it would then become boring. So we started another scenario: world peace, but then every country isolates itself from one another. That would retain the culture, but what of resources? what of communication? countries would fail, and the world would probably be gloomy. so essentially, as weird as it sounds, we're against world peace, which I believe is what this page is about. I posted the conclusion on the page and no one has written back yet, which disappointed me, because I wanted to start another dialogue. I want to create a scenario in which everyone could coexist and live happily ever after. But for now, I remain joined because I'm still fighting for peace of a different kind. inner peace. but that's another blog post.

today, i tried recording a song but was reminded of how much my piano needs tuning when i played it back. but i DID record the sound of a power sander. better than nothing.

as soon as i'm done writing this, i'm getting back to reading zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance. the only word i can seem to use for it is interesting. because that's what it is. i'm about a quarter of the way in, and my favorite passage i've come across is his definition of romantic and classical thought. people with a romantic mindset prefer to look at, admire, and utilize the finished product of something, instead of going deep down into the heart of it. people with a classical mindset want to find out the underlying forms of things, find out what makes things tick. and these two clash. romantics accuse classicals of dealing with ugly things (because the underlying forms of things can't usually be defined as beautiful), while classicals accuse romantics of being superficial. while these both have their pros and cons, i'd rather be a classical person than a romantic person. but i'm definitely a romantic person. this becomes clear when i go camping and just kind of stand back and watch as everyone else sets up the tent. it's not that i'm lazy, it's just i always feel like an idiot while trying to figure out which components go to what. i'm just a pure romantic in the presence of classicals at that moment. I'd rather look lazy than stupid.

just thought i'd share that.

WOO. that's a load off my mind.


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