
Partially Me

Well, news. I just recorded a song, and it's nearly finished being mixed. Just needs a little something more at the end. Might post it on the Internet.

Friends are going off to college in a couple weeks. "See you later"s are becoming increasingly more tentative, and I'm bummed about that. But it's life, and life's happening, and I have to face that.

I've been reading more Bukowski, but I've been looking at it from a more positive angle. This one poem as a message to blossoming writers, has these lines:

unless it comes out of your soul
like a rocket
unless the sun inside you is
burning your gut,
don't do it.

It's gonna become a mantra for me. Only write when you're inspired, and you truly believe in what you're writing, otherwise you're not gonna like it and other people probably won't either. Oh, Bukowski. Maybe you weren't so bad after all.

Still a bit of an asshole though.
All of us are at some point or another.

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