
Find Out For Yourself

Sometimes you feel like writing something but then you don't know what to write. So then you start writing it, not knowing exactly what your putting on paper, but you're writing it anyways. And while you're writing it, you think that your writing has a topic when to others it has no rhyme or reason. And then when you finish writing it, you feel like keeping it, thinking that someday it might have some type of value that doesn't exist to you yet. The existence of the value of your writing is a far-off object, but its in your grasp at the same time. And when it's finally in your grasp, it falls out of your hand and you desperately try reaching for it again. And eventually you give up, possibly realizing that you can't find the point of the writing, or possibly feeling like your mind hasn't developed enough to figure out. If you feel the latter, then you try later on, reaching for that far-off in-your-grasp value, and you finally get it. And then you re-write it, with more feeling, realizing you now know what you're talking about. This can happen in a matter of seconds, or it can happen in a matter of years. You just have to find out for yourself.

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