

Dear Band:

I was so oblivious and ignorant to not see that you would find this out. Why did I even say some of that stuff? Looking back at it, it was all hate. Deep anger and hate that was just triggered by some small thing that I don't even remember. Why would I jeopardize our image like that? And you would think that because I was being so selfish, I would have realized that not only was I jeopardizing our band's image, I was damaging my image by being such an ass. What was I thinking?

"But they're an outlet, and as long as I can keep thinking of them like that, I should be able to deal."

This may sound like a desperate attempt to apologize, but I'm being sincere right now. I hope we can just move right past this and try to pretend that those posts never existed. Even though it will be hard...

Why did I want to be out of the band? Didn't I realize how good we have things?

Those posts are gone. I'm ashamed to even look at them.

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