
Important News-ish!

I'm gonna start recording for an EP this June. (after prom and AP tests and volunteering are done and out of the way)

At the moment, these will be the songs:
1. ptsd 2. trinity 3. inches to go before i sleep 4. perepelka 5. don't tell the kids

there's also bound to be a couple of strictly electronic interludes. still trying to name it.

overall, the songs are a lot more aggressive than anything else I've done, I'm finding myself yelling during some of them. I'm gonna keep the piano songs simple, stick to just a piano track and a couple of vocal layers. I want minimalism. But then on the interludes, I'm gonna have an insane amount of layers on things. Balance is the trick.

Today, I drove by myself for once, and just wanted to not turn back until I ran out of gas. Not that I hate anyone or anything; I just want something new.

Instead of acting on that impulse, I just started thinking. The theme of my life lately seems to be self-sufficiency. I'm increasingly finding myself trying to become more independent, I've been reading Thoreau, Bennett and Nesbit were talking about camping in the deep wilderness, and I read an article on a 94-year-old isolationist (i refuse to call him a loner, because Thoreau has taught me that there is no such thing as loneliness.) who lived in an Idaho cave for the last 60 years of his life.

And I thought: there's no such thing as a completely independent person anymore.

So then I thought: I could change that. Create a temporary, ever-changing utopia of sorts. The people in the community can only be between the ages of 20-25, since that's when people are at their mental peak and they don't have any unwilling family members to bring along, just themselves. Plus, if it was a permanent thing, it'd all feel and look a little bit cultish. So we wouldn't be looking at complete independence from the modern world, just temporary independence. So it's not really a utopia, but for all intents and purposes, I'm gonna keep calling it a utopia.

So, creative minds between the ages of 20-25 congregate in the wilderness, and live however they can. Build cabins, hunt, the whole nine. While there, these people produce a product, or products. Music, literature, anything like that. All the things that people bring have to be related to that creative product. Guitars, paper, pens, paint, canvas. Because the flaw that I saw with the Idaho isolationist is that he was just famous for who he was, but he never gave anything to the world or produced anything. This utopia wouldn't be fruitless like that.

As for the economic side, one person in the utopia must have a very profitable job so that the land can be rented/bought. Everyone else doesn't care about money.

I'm sure there are 1000's of flaws in my thinking. But it's nice to dream.


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