

The sounds of boots marching in the snow
Towards a destination that nobody knows
Meld into lapses of consciousness
And disrupt the remnants of a mental flow.

Orange disks pulsate in the blackening night
Each sound vanishes, each thought, each sight
A single tear rolls down a young woman's cheek
Concerned and afraid of the imminent light.

Oh life always sucks, but sleep always comes!
Yeah, life always sucks, but sleep always comes!

Glow-in-the-dark stars illuminate the ceiling sky
As visions of him pass through only to die
In inevitable sleep, we are safe from the harm
That reality slaps in our face, running by.

This was once the beginning/end of Plessy v. Ferguson, but I changed it. I don't want to write about relationships or failed relationships. I don't want to be that guy. So I cut the story I had out of it, leaving just this. Sounds a lot more poetic and a lot...better.
Standing in the doorway, watching the parents show up in the driveway simultaneously. Something keeps me fixed to the spot. Fast approaching maroon Dodge pick-up, and tailing behind, the silver, mouse-like Corolla. I wait in the doorway, smiling. They back in, park their cars. Take a while to get out. My dad hangs his glasses back up on the rearview, my mom checks her hair. Grabs her purse. The sun breaks out of the clouds for an instant, and the wind suspends its breath. Still in the doorway. Finally, they get out of their cars. The moment I was subconsciously waiting for. We're outside, together, a family. For an instant or two, we all remain in our spots. And then, motion. The return to normalcy. The wind, the clouds, the thrice-divided unit. Always busy, always working. Thank god for vacations. Family vacations.


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