

all of a sudden, everything's circular soundwaves, bursting and reverberating as they rip through the landscape endlessly, eating up everything that ever was in their blue and orange paths.


i've made an incredible amount of progress on this song today. Vocals are nearly completely mixed, and I'm starting to add more layers into it. Right now, it's an electronic one. i also spent a good two hours just playing piano, starting to develop new things.

it seems as though now, all I want to do is play music. Call it going through a rough patch, physically, mentally, emotionally. That's what it is. Not depression. Just a snag. And the only thing that can soothe me is sound. escaping. forgetting. where I am, and letting. my fingers play what my brain wants to hear. And I don't mind this, really. Music is like my little, isolated cavern situated on the outside of a bustling city.

I've felt like I've been on a creative high these past couple of days. Seriously, like there's synapses going off in my head and releasing endorphins and I feel as though every time I play piano I'm reaching this high. And Every fragment of a sentence I hear turns into a song title or an album title, every sound I hear turns into something I wish I could record. This happened ysterday at the math meet, there was this awesome drone that I could hear in the background as I was taking a test. It felt like it kind of looped, and it sounded so cool that it severely distracted me from what I was doing. And that's why I didn't go to this Valentine's Day dance, because all I felt like doing was just formulating and planning for another release. I think that it can all be traced back to this snag that I'm in, and I can't tell whether to hate it or adore it. I feel like if I choose to hate it, that'd be normal. But I'm leaning towards adoring it, I adore this physical, mental, and emotional tiredness, because hey. it makes for sincere music. Now, would I cause this tiredness intentionally for the sake of art? No. But if it happens, it happens. And I'll just roll with it.


Gotta go. I'm actually leaving the house for a little bit. But this weekend's gonna be intense.

Song of the day, this live version of Logos by Atlas Sound, because it's longer than the album version, like it should have been on the album version:


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