

this is how german people would pronounce 'Beach House'.

song(s) of the day:

Zebra by Beach House

and 10 Mile Stereo by Beach House

Now, I'm not really a big fan of this band. I've just spent a big part of my day trying to get into them. I can see why some people would like them, but I'm just not connecting with the music. Her voice is beautiful, the music's pretty, but it's too low energy and slow for my tastes. They never bother to extend their tempo past crawl, and it makes me very impatient. I did, however, manage to like these two songs off of their brand new album 'Teen Dream'. And by the end of the week, I'll probably be obsessed with them, being the good little hipster that I am.

I managed to conduct my first piano lesson today, with marginal success. Luckily she's a fast, semi-independent learner. She essentially took it upon herself to keep playing the basic patterns over and over again. We managed to get halfway through a single book in one day. and I'm sure she'll be up to the 'I can play anything!' speed pretty soon. it's exciting, i like teaching. not a career avenue i would pursue, but this is a nice little side project.

"Well I'll go to college and I'll learn some big words, and I'll speak real loud. Goddamn right, I'll be heard. You'll remember, that kid who said all those big words he must've learned in college. - Modest Mouse's Bankrupt on Selling."
Time to study more. Until midterms end, these posts are going to be quasi-concise.

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