

i'm currently working on a continuous mix called 'dirtchildren.' i'm three songs in, and it's sounding pretty decent. it will probably be up on here for listening purposes once finished, as illegal as that potentially is.

i'm just that badass.

i've been developing my songs more today, (Dogs/Worms/Everyone, En Attendant... (Un), En Attendant... (Deux), You Look Like A Freemason) and I've decided that tomorrow's gonna be spent recording. this means that i'll spend half of my day doing nothing and then the other half thinking about recording, and maybe getting one or two tracks down at most. i'm in this kind of demotivated period right now. my alreadyweak singing voice has kind of left me as of late, and I'm kind of upset about that. We'll see how tomorrow winds up though. It could be very productive or a gigantic fail.

song of the day: Rousseau by Pinback. the epitome of chill.

midterms are done, so now i can be as long-winded as I want!

too bad this blog ends here.

just kidding.

JD Salinger died today.
I don't think I've ever told the Internet about this.
A few months ago, my friends took a ride up to Cornish, NH, the residence of JD Salinger. Their objective: to meet JD Salinger. I was invited along for the ride, but declined, knowing that he was a recluse and we would probably be turned away.

They weren't turned away. They actually got to meet this legend in his own house, this man who would never accept interviews, who had lived in seclusion for nearly 6 decades. They thought that they wouldn't find him at first, since the people at the Cornish Country Store 'didn't know of his whereabouts'. But they managed to find his house, sit down and talk to him.

I think the reason he was accepting of them is the fact that 5 young boys just showed up at his doorstep, unannounced and uninvited. This is exactly what he wrote about in Catcher in The Rye: being young and spontaneous. it MUST have clicked with him when he saw this. And that's why he let them in... that day, I stayed at home, doing absolutely nothing of importance.

R.I.P., you legend.


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