
neW lyRiCkS!

the song's called 'en attendant... (deux)'. the first part's like a little instrumental piece. i've been doing a lot of instrumental stuff recently because my uncle has offered me the potential position of scoring one of his short films (!?). so i've been doing like really quiet, mood pieces. below is part two. french to english translations provided.
on a loaded ship
with a baseball bat
i wait.

Death, we are not afraid
on this, our Judgment Day
So come.

Fight back best we know
with our guns, bats, stones
venez-y. (come here.)

No food for three days
All those who remain
are tired.

Frenchmen sing a prayer
"Oh mon Dieu, mon Père (oh my God, my Father)
Pourquoi (why)

Avez-Vous me faire ça? (did you do this to me?)
Avez-Vous me faire ça?"

En Vous attendant... (waiting for you)
En Vous attendant...
toujours. (always)
I think it's either about like an apocalyptic scenario or the revolutionary war or something. up to you. the last lines were initially about

despite my crazy study sessions, i ended up with a 69 on my calc test. wah. studying up some more to do better on my midterm. need to look up my Riemann sums and integrals.

song oF tHe SONG oF tHe song of the DAY:

Vitamin C by Can. undoubtedly the catchiest song of the 1970s.

midterms start tomorrow. wish me luck! or don't wish me luck, whichever you prefer.


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